Monday, November 25, 2013

art (ID)

art is a very fun class to be you get to a lot of fun projects but sometimes there is some projects that you absolutely do not want to do. portraiture is a main type of art that a lot of people do not like to do because its very hard to get the face just right without making it look like a alien. doing 3D projects are the most fun because you get to use paint and who doesn't like to paint!! making 3D projects also takes a lot of time to finish but if you take your time with anything the out come will always be good. during art its a class that you can work and talk with out getting in trouble as long as you are working you wont. there is a lot of different projects that we do over the semester and you may hate some of the projects and you may love some and want to do it again but that's what art is for learning different techniques that you could use for art.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Should video games be considered a sport? (SSR)

Video games should be considered a sport because there are big tournaments like other sports and there are thousands of fans and other competitors that you have to compete with like sports. Most people would say that all you do is sit there and use your hands and then consider it not a sport. Well video games require a lot of focus and concentration and that is working your brain to learn to do those skills. Video games also require a lot of practice like other sports, when a big tournament is coming up you practice your sport as much as you can but so do video gamers when there big tournament is coming up and there is money involved usually so they want to make sure that they do really good so they win and you don’t want to be that one person that makes your whole team lose and not get the money. Also, it not only exercises you physically, it exercise mentally as well. Most video games require you to think quickly and on your feet. It also requires you to be able to solve problems which are exercising your brain. When you play video games you have to move your fingers and wrist really fast and that would help you to type and write better because you fingers and wrist can move fast to type and write. Now that people are smarter with technology they have created games that make you get up and move around like all of the Just Dances and all of the yoga games where there is a controller that you have to hold so that the game will reregister what you are doing so you can go agents your friends and see who will win.  Sports are not only physical exercise but it is mental exercise as well and some people don’t think that sports are but If you think about it it’s both. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Understanding of Those "Different" People FC

Ster·e·o·type is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. When you don’t understand someone by how they act or what they wear what do you do, jump to conclusions, be friends with them, or just ignore it. Then there is that person that walks by and automatically jumps to conclusions and makes fun of them that is what stereotypes are. When you wear all black or when you listen to the rock bands like Black Veil Brides or Pierced the Veil you may be called “emo” or “Goth” then people will spread rumors about you then it leads to bullying then that person will not do well in school. When a guy wears pink he may be called “gay” then that boy will have a bad future because everyone will be calling him mean things. Stereotypes it can really hurt someone for life because once there is a rumor people never really forget that and it is carried on through their whole school years and there is always that person that will remind you of what happened in middle school and that will remind you of all the things you did and it would be humiliating. When someone gets bullied because they are Goth or emo you are most likely making their life worse because they might already be having a bad life at home like their parents abuse them or they don’t get included with that family and then you go and make the place where that person goes to make things bad and that person may start to have suicidal thoughts and then that may conclude to actually committing suicide and then that would not  be good for the people, students and the school would have a bad reputation  of bulling problems.  Almost every person has had someone make fun of them for some random reason and they did not like it and what do they do go and do it on other people.     

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is Technology taking over Picture Books? CRR

Most people now have their children go watch TV and that apparently is just the same as them reading a picture book to them. Some parents have leap frogs or something else that is like that to read to them and play games with them so they sit there and do that all day instead of bonding with their parents so, in the future they will be glued to their phone and avoid you then even further in the future when they move out they will not come and visit for Christmas or Easter and spend the day with their parents, and you can’t blame them and take your anger out on them cause it was your fault for getting all that “great” technology for them to help learn, when you could have taken the money you bought for the that stuff and go buy some picture books that you could read to your children. We as children loved it when our teachers parents or siblings read to us so we could just sit there and listen to the story and look at the pictures and have our imagination go wild of thinking about what could happen next or what just happened in the story. I know that my favorite book that my teachers read to me was the ones by Dr.Suess, like the cat in the hat or one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. Every time a teacher said that she would read a picture book to us we would get excited and they would also tell us to go get a book but know we just log on to a computer and read stories from there or play reading games there instead of interacting with all the other students. Having picture books when we were little was the best thing ever and for some people they still are and I don’t think technology should be taking over the joy of picture books.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


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