Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is Technology taking over Picture Books? CRR

Most people now have their children go watch TV and that apparently is just the same as them reading a picture book to them. Some parents have leap frogs or something else that is like that to read to them and play games with them so they sit there and do that all day instead of bonding with their parents so, in the future they will be glued to their phone and avoid you then even further in the future when they move out they will not come and visit for Christmas or Easter and spend the day with their parents, and you can’t blame them and take your anger out on them cause it was your fault for getting all that “great” technology for them to help learn, when you could have taken the money you bought for the that stuff and go buy some picture books that you could read to your children. We as children loved it when our teachers parents or siblings read to us so we could just sit there and listen to the story and look at the pictures and have our imagination go wild of thinking about what could happen next or what just happened in the story. I know that my favorite book that my teachers read to me was the ones by Dr.Suess, like the cat in the hat or one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. Every time a teacher said that she would read a picture book to us we would get excited and they would also tell us to go get a book but know we just log on to a computer and read stories from there or play reading games there instead of interacting with all the other students. Having picture books when we were little was the best thing ever and for some people they still are and I don’t think technology should be taking over the joy of picture books.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


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